Temple of Meharakka

Temple of Meharakka

Temple of Meharakka

Temple of Meharakka

The smallest temple on this site in Wadi el-Sebua area was the temple of Meharaka, which was build under Roman rule; the tourist walks downhill from Dakka to this temple. The temple was not finished, but is special because it has the only spiral staircase in any ancient Egyptian structure.


The temple is dedicated to the god Serapis (the Alexandrian god), a hybrid of Osiris, Apis and Zeus. This god was introduced in Egypt in Ptolemaic times, and is a fusion of the Egyptian Gods Osiris and Apis and the Greek gods Zeus and Aesculape. This Roman-built Egyptian temple cannot be securely attributed to any Roman emperor's reign since it was never fully completed nor inscribed.


However, since it is known that temple building declined in Nubia after the rule of Augustus, the temple of Meharaka might be datable to his reign. The only part of the structure that was finished is a court surrounded on three sides by columns. The temple consists of one room – six columns on the north side, three columns on the east and west side and six on the south side joined by screen walls.

The capitals of the columns were never completed. For stair access to the roof, from which there are spectacular views, enter the temple and turn right. This is the only known spiral staircase in an Egyptian building. Look east to the pharaohs’ gold mines. The temple sanctuary was never actually built and in addition the temple lacks a formal pylon.